What you need to know as New York City opens and Local Law 11 Continues
Before you Restart Work
Read and understand State's Interim Guidance for Construction Activities During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
Prepare a Safety Plans specific to each job site
Implement the Safety Plans and Post them in highly visible locations at all points of egress from the site
Affirm with the state you understood your obligation in accordance with State's guidance and Print for site
Initial DOB Inspector visits will guide and educate construction professionals on-site, with follow up inspections thereafter
DOB Inspector Checklist
Safety plan specific to the site posted where it can easily be seen, and needs to include copy of Affirmation to the state
Compliance with Social Distancing protocols
All site personnel, and visitors, to wear acceptable face coverings appropriate for their task
Readily available hand hygiene stations, using either soap, warm water and disposable paper towers, or alcohol-based hand sanitizer
COVID-19 signage visible to all personnel of hand hygiene, physical distancing rules and appropriate cleaning protocol
Tightly confined spaces occupied by 50% maximum allowed number of people with posted signs within cabs and at each landing
Communication plan for employees, visitors, and clients on site
Correctly completed and updated logs for every person who has had close contact with another, along with updated cleaning and disinfection logs
Further Attention & Possible Penalties
Site must include signage in all hoists and/or elevators that shows reduced capacity of 50% in the cap and on each landing.
The month of June will hold no monetary penalties associated with Phase 1 restart, but effective July 8th, 2020 sites violating compliance will result in financial penalties of $5,000 per violation with potential Stop-Work Orders.
Continued noncompliance may result in additional summonses with civil penalties up to $10,000 for each offense.
All Information provided by the NYC DOB.