What is a Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector?
A Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector is a licensed and registered Engineer who conducts the facade inspection for FISP (Local Law 11) Facade Inspection and Safety Program on buildings 6 stories or higher. He, or she, is also the one responsible for filing the report. They are registered with the Department of Buildings Facades Unit and have an active eFiling account. The QEWI also confirms all information and supporting documents prior to filing to ensure accuracy.
Why is it important to have a QEWI? Meet Radomir, our Principle Engineer and co-owner of Node AEC P.C. He is a a D.O.B. Approved QEWI and an integral part of our team. Having that approval adds security for all of our clients knowing they are in good hands with a highly registered and recommended engineer for their Facade needs. Whether their cycle is now, Cycle 9A, or coming up in the years ahead. An approved QEWI by the NYC D.O.B. will ease your mind knowing that in the next five years, when facade inspection is due again, there won't be any unforeseen repairs or issues that were promised repair the cycle before.